The title is from a lyric in a childishgambino (a.k.a Donald Glover) song. He's my future buddy, meaning he doesn't know this yet but we are going to be best friends. Plus he stole my freestylin' style... don't worries Donald, I'll let you borrow it.

Swagger Meter:
Jordan 6's - gift
Jeans - (H&M) hand-me-downs*
Sweatshirt - (Goodwill Outlet) $0.83
Green Hoodie - hand-me-downs
Leather Member's Only** - (Goodwill) $7.00
*first off: When I was little hand-me-downs were embarrassing but now I take advance of them. There's nothing wrong with free clothes, that are in great use, and look great. Embrace hand-me-downs!
**Second: I am a Members Only junkie. I have about 12 different color ones (very hipster of me) And I always find them in the men's section of Goodwill, Salvation Army, Value Village, and more. My mother and father HATES them, but it's a Guttersnipe worthy item.
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