It's gloomy and rainy outside in Seattle. I personally love the rain. Sure I complain about it every once and awhile, but a true Seattleite does that. I like cold weather because its easier to dress for cold weather. Layers, boots, scarfs, and more. But lately my wardrobe has been craving Spring. Hence today's outfit.
But this is just layer one. Of course I am going to wear a cardigan, a huge scarf, big cozy jacket and gloves on top of this outfit, but for now, I am a flower underneath waiting to bloom...

Bright Colors never hurt no body:
shoes - (Salvation Army) $1.99
floral socks - gift
jeans - (Macy's) $8.50
belt - (my mother's)
Vest turned shirt* - (Salvation Army) $2.75
As for jewelry:
Beloved necklace from Target - $1.99
* I am a huge fan of getting bang from my buck. I wear dresses as dresses and then tuck them in pants or use a belt and now they become a shirt. So when I bought this vest, I thought it's a shirt and a vest.
Keep this kind of stuff in mind when shopping...
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