felt pieces from JoAnn's*
Little fact about my sister: She's the one that really got me into the passion for cheap fashion. Although our mom took us to second hand stores all the time as kids; it was my sister who took me to my first Goodwill Outlet when I was 13. My sister is actually the person who came up with Guttersnipe motto: "Ballin' on a budget, we make broke look good."
Yeah, she's pretty awesome.
So when she told me her and her roommate are being "Pigs" for Halloween I was more than willing to lend her my sewing skills. This was actually all her idea and creation; I just followed her careful instructions.
Here is what you need:
- Pink felt sheets* in two different colors: Hot Pink & Powder Pink (99 cent sheets at JoAnn's)
- Two Toned Thread ($4.50 at JoAnn's or any fabric store)
- Elastic piping (Prices varies)
- Powder Pink Velcro (99 cent for 2 feet at JoAnn's)
To Make the Ears:
1. Cut one large triangle using the powder pink felt and cut on smaller triangle using the hot pink felt. Also cut two small pieces of the elastic piping that are the same length as the sides of the smaller triangle like so:
2. Place the hot pink triangle in the middle of the powder pink triangle and place the elastic piping on the sides.
3. Fold the edges of the powder pink triangle so they cover the elastic piping. You can use a pin to pin them down as well. Then sew.
4. Now enjoy! Sew them on a hat or headband
To make the Feet or hooves:
1. Cut one large powder pink triangle and one large hot pink triangle. Overlap them so both the peaks are side by side. Then sew them together like so:
2. Now using the velcro cut a square piece. Sew the rough side of the velcro to the hot pink side and the soft side of the velcro on the opposite side on the powder pink side like so:

3. You want your outcome to look like you are making a funnel or a bracelet. Like so:
4. Now strap around your boots:

To make the Tail:
1. Using the powder pink, cut a long strip. Almost like a rectangle:

2. Using your elastic piping, cut a piece that is slightly shorter then the tale. Put the elastic piping in the middle.

4. Then curl the tail and it's a prefect pig tail!
The best part about this Halloween costume is if you mix up the felt colors it could work for any animal. If you want to dress up like a cow, horse, donkey, whatever! Follow the same instructions and there you have it! Once my sister and roommate get their whole look together I will make sure to post photos soon.
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