I've been trying to reorganize my room for awhile now. As I mentioned yesterday I was trying to clean it. (I got one section done.)
My goal is to fall in love with my room again. To make more space, get rid of things, and of course be more organized. First step I took was my bed side table. I have a lot of jewelry and accessories. And I've been looking around the internet and blogs to see how people kept their things together. The best idea I found was the jewelry dish. Really simple! But here's a little DIY to add your own spin to it.

***Side Note: The best place to shop for any items when redecorating, reorganizing, or trying to find cheap storage go to my FAVORITE place on earth the Daiso store! It's where I find the best containers and any cute item to help spurs up my room.
It's where I found this plate, and many others, in the dinner wear area. Best part everything coast either a $1.50 or $3.50.
For this DIY you need:
Plate or dish (Target, Daiso, Goodwill, etc)
Using the sharpie draw any design you want. Make sure you let it draw for at least a second so it doesn't smear or run.
Just that easy. And looks great!
I also purchased some bowls as well. (Remember: using something like plates, dinner wear, or other ordinary items for storage is cute & ideal! Think outside the box.)