Still no constant daily style posts because I am trying to figure out a new camera situation. For the time being though you deserve a good old fashion DIY.
So, I was at Nordstrom a while back and saw this sweater for $38 bucks! Really? I mean, really?! I was not going to pay 38 dollars for that.
Not to mention I wasn't a big fan of the cuts in the back so why not make my own, my own way.

On top of that; yesterday my mother and I went the Seattle Art Museum to check out the "Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion"exhibition where I got a lot of great inspiration ideas! I highly recommend it for everyone and anyone. I couldn't take pictures but I was able to take notes.
A lot of best Japanese fashion is all about shapes and dimensions. My favorite thought was the idea of "wearing a square." Don't know what I mean? Well, I believe this DIY is an ideal example of that.
And all you need is a sweater (mine: goodwill for $5.00) and a pair of scissors.
Fold the sweater in half, arm to arm, and then cut two or three inch slits equal distances apart.
Cut on the seam of the arm but not around the neck.
Like so.
It's just that easy. I love how space age it looks; something straight out of Star Trek. Enjoy!
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