Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Lobby Room Days

 For me; the days between Christmas and New Year's are an absolute blur. The time feels like the lobby room of days. A waiting feeling of hopping from one holiday to the next. And it's the only time in the year when that feeling seems to happen. 

This is why, my sister and I have been killing time by eating, cooking, napping, shopping, and returning things. It's been a fun little cycle of events. We are looking to mix it up adding seeing movies or something of that nature. Today, however, we thought we would get each other Christmas gifts.

You read that right; My sister and I went Christmas shopping three days after Christmas. Meaning we both got what we really and we saved more money with the after-the-holiday sales. It's been our fourth year in a row where we do this and honestly, it's low-key the best tradition. 

For example; at first, the store didn't have the pants I wanted in my size. So I just wandered around too, just looking. But then! The lovely sales girl came back to tell me someone had just came in and returned a pair! A mother fucking win.

So, I highly recommend more people do this. Because in the end, Christmas has never been about gifts. It's more about the precious time spent with friends and family. So sure I got some cute new pants and shoes but the gift was walking around, people-watching, shit-talking, and shopping with my sister.

Shoes: Nike Outlet find and gift from my sister!
Sweatpants: Abercrombie & Fitch (Black Friday Deal) $35
Faux Fur Pink Coat; Noize (YEARS AGO! Also Black Friday deal) $100
Sweatshirt: fear of god essentials hoodie (Thrift store in Atlanta) $95
Not picture but you already know; Purse is my clear Telfar

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